Day -5, April 11, 1998 of Reed's AT Adventure

Today Reed, Jesse, Shanna, and I decided to take hike up to the ranger station on Mt Washington. The ranger station is known as HoJo's because the accomodations at the shelters is like sleeping at a Howard Johnson's. We started our leisurely hike around 10:30 AM in the morning at Pinkham Notch. The temperature was warm at 45 degrees however the wind was brisk at a constant 10 mph. The trail was suprisingly covered with snow from bottom all the way to the tp. After 10 mins. on the trail we reached the first set of falls and took the 3rd picture. We continued and made HoJo's  sometime around 12:30pm. At HoJo's we snapped a few pictures and quickly retired to a shelter. The temperature was probably around 25 degrees and the wind was constat at 40 mph making it quite cold. After a short lunch we quickly hiked back down the trail and finished around 2:30pm. The day was pretty fun, but we also learned that between Pinkham Notch and HoJo's exist several different climate ranges.

Here are some of the pictures below

Looking at the summit from Pinkham Notch Center

From Pinkham Notch I'm pointing to The Boot Spur and Gulf of Slides area

This is a picture of my firends Shanna and Jesse and myself at the first waterfall at about 10 mins hiking time 

Reed took this picture with HoJo's on the right side looking at Hillman's highway and the Little Headwall

Yours truly with the Lion's Head in the background. This is the Winter route in climbing Mt. Washington

Reed and I snacking on the the way down

Reed and I with the beautiful Mt Washington summit in the background

Another image of Hillman's highway and the Little Headwall