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Every Multiplayer Mechanic Ever
Part One
There are
Mechanics of Multiplayer Games.
No Really.
No further design required
"A good game should focus entirely on it's single-player aspect first and foremost. Then if it's a simple game like a shooter or racer, use the remaining time and space to fit in a multi-player aspect to it... In other words, multi-playing should never take away from the single-player aspect of the game. Pure multi-player games really should be few and far between."
-- the unfortunately named New Troll, Escapist Forums, 23 June 2009
True Single Player
A game that is not played in opposition to, or in parallel with, or collaboratively with, someone else.
I.E. Nothing
As a computer, physics, and your body can be your opponent
Parallel Symmetric
Quantifying Achievement against a Systemic Opponent.
Multiplayer = Relative Status Compared.
Golf With A Scorecard
The first user to reach a given status level wins.
Like... Races!
Asynchrnous Competition in Parallel with All Past Attempts
Parallel asymmetric
Starcraft Mulitplayer
Terrans play different w/different systems than
Protoss; that play different w/different systems than
Zerg; that play different w/different systems.
Brackets in a Tournament are a Game outside of the Game
Non-Zero-Sum Resource Consumption
Compete to get Stuff
But there is Always More
Power-ups in Mario Kart
Zero-Sum Resource Consumption
Compete to get Stuff
What I Take is Gone for the Rest.
Most RTS games
Tug of War
I can Take your Stuff
You can Take Mine
Most games fit here
Artificially Equalizing Status
To Provide a Tighter Race.
Rubber banding in Mario Kart
Blue Shell!!
Imperfect Information
Fog of war, Hands of Cards, etc.
Last Man Standing
Multiple Instances of Tug of War
Happening Concurrently
Change your Status
Through Tug of War
By a Zero-Sum Resource
Secrets = goods
Misinformation becomes a Tug of War
3rd Party Betting
3rd parties playing a bidding game with a zero-sum resource, based on the outcome of a multiplayer game
Like Horse Race Betting!
Prisoner's Dilemma
Teammates with secrets from each other must choose independently to collaborate or both lose.
Gamemaster Pattern
Multiplayer Game that needs a 3rd party to direct the game
Dungoen Master In D&D
AI Director in Left 4 Dead
Specialization into different games within one group
Werewolf / Artemis / WoW
Hot Potato/Gangin Up
Rotation of roles within a multiplayer game that creates ad-hoc groups
Zombie Mode in Halo, Tag
Ceremonies marking significant role transitions within a social structure
"Olly Olly Oxen Free"
Scoreboard for a multiplayer shooter
Tranferring a resource to another player in order to increase their status
Lovingly Repurposed from Ralph Koster's GDC Talk

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