Its Biff for Be.

Beff (sound out the "Be", like the meat) is a utility to check multiple email servers for messages. It can be configured to check each server at a different interval and to play a sound when the server's message status changes. It's ment for people who have to get mail from many different servers.

Beff (x86 R4)


2/12/00: Beff is not currently under development. If you're a programmer and you would like to take a look at the source (or even submit changes) just email me and I'll send it too you.

4/18/99: I thought I posted this earlier but its not there. Oh well. I must just be buggin'. Anyway I was very dumb and posted a version that had problems controling its windows. If you're having trouble opening server windows just download the newest version. Sorry.

4/3/99: After a few days of not working on Beff I finally got back to it and added code to make it multi-threaded (no more blocking on network access) and I incorperated a few new features. Most important is the new "command" field for each mail server. With this you can have a shell command be invoked when you double click on your server in the list. For example, if your server is you can have Beff open a Terminal window and have it telnet there when you double click. Just enter "Terminal /bin/telnet &" in the command field. Other options include having it run your email client (like Mail-It) when you get mail. Also i compiled with the new version of the PlaySound classes.

3/26/99: Today I'm releasing the first functional version of Beff. Thats right folks, you can now check email. Here is the catch, if you use it, please send me advice on how the interface should work. Right now I'm almost ready to take out the "New" column and make the whole thing alot simpler. So yeah, download Alpha 1, try it, beat it up, and send me an email.

3/25/99: Well, after a few days of classes getting in the way, i've made some great progress with Beff. It now saves servers between sessions. That leaves only a few things left before its done. Mainly I have to finish the networking code. It is mostly complete but it needs to be interfacing with my GUI. We'll see how that proceeds this weekend. Feel free to grab the latest preview.

3/22/99: I've finished the list interface buttons for Beff. Very little is left in the interface. Please try the above PassControl source. I think you'll find it works much better than the original. I had several problems with the original regarding its implementation of BTextControl's SetText() function. All this has been resolved and the code cut by more than half. God the BString is glorious!

3/21/99: Beff's interface is almost complete. I've posted a sample of the interface. Many thanks to John Robinson and the fine folk in #bedev for their help up to this point.

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