Git Crash Course

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Git is...

  • distributed (redundant)
  • flexibile
  • network independent
  • a collection of "commits" that represent changes to code

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Git is great for...

  • massive projects (linux kernel...)
  • fast and cheap branching
  • speed (almost everything is local)
  • working on planes, trains, and automobiles

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a commit is...

  • snapshot, not a diff
  • takes up more space, but bits are cheap
  • acts almost like a mini filesystem
  • store links to files that haven't changed
  • refer to commits by checksums (not names)

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stop worrying

  • Git (generally) only adds data
  • it's hard to lose things once committed
  • almost always possible to roll back changes
  • other than 'fetch', 'push', and 'pull', nearly everything is local

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three (or four) stages of Git

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basic workflow

  1. make some changes

  2. stage snapshots of files

  3. commit

  4. (eventually) push

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a commit has...

  • a checksum
  • all blobs contained in the commit
  • a comment (please use these)

Format your commit like:

80 character summary

longer description of
changes, maybe include a bulleted
list of changes you made

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getting set up

1 git config "Your Name"
2 git config ""

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start a project

 1 $ mkdir mynewproject
 2 $ cd mynewproject
 3 $ git init
 4  Initialized empty Git repository in 
 5  /home/ryansb/mynewproject/.git/
 6 $ vim README
 7 $ git status
 8  # Initial commit
 9  #
10  # Untracked files:
11  #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will
12  #   be committed)
13  #
14  #       README
15  nothing added to commit but untracked files present
16  (use "git add" to track)
17 $ git add README

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status report

 1 $ git status
 2  # Initial commit
 3  #
 4  # Changes to be committed:
 5  #   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
 6  #
 7  #       new file:   README
 8 $ vim README
 9 $ git status
10  # Initial commit
11  #
12  # Changes to be committed:
13  #   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)
14  #
15  #       new file:   README
16  #
17  # Changes not staged for commit:
18  #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will
19  #   be committed)
20  #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard
21  #   changes in working directory)
22  #
23  #       modified:   README

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making commitments

1 $ git commit -m "Added README"
2 [master (root-commit) 4f3ea33] Added README
3  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
4  create mode 100644 README
5  <Do more commits>
6 $ git log --oneline
7  773c310 added
8  7275078 More verbosity for the README
9  4f3ea33 Added README


1 # set commit message without opening an editor
2 git commit -m 'commit message'
3 # add only parts of what was changed
4 git add -p

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see what changed

  • use 'git diff'
  • by default diffs current working dir with most recent commit
  • super useful, check out 'git diff --help'

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 1 $ vim
 2 $ git diff
 3  diff --git a/ b/
 4  index 3148dce..33f348b 100644
 5  --- a/
 6  +++ b/
 7  @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 8   #!/usr/bin/env python
10  -print "hello world"
11  +print "Hello, world!"
12 $ git commit -am "Fixed up grammar in"
13 [master 01ee7f3] Fixed up grammar in
14  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

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saving keystrokes

  • sometimes add -> commit gets annoying
  • the '-a' option stages all modifications
  • but make sure you REALLY want to commit everything

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check it out

 1 $ git log --oneline --decorate
 2     1c8ce74 (HEAD, origin/newgitseminar, newgitseminar) Added more on branching
 3     4afbe50 Added slides for branching
 4     151dd2f Finished converting to vanilla markdown
 5     5e130da Added git seminar to front page
 6     d219f44 New Git seminar via Landslide now working
 7     dfbc19c (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) Changed length of excerpt
 9     # specify a branch that is on the remote named 'origin'
10 $ git checkout origin/master
11     # specify a branch name
12 $ git checkout master
13     # specify commit ID (or hash)
14 $ git dfbc19c
15     # specify a commit that is 5 commits prior to where HEAD is
16 $ git checkout HEAD~5

All those checkouts go to the same commit

check out a specific file

1     # get the older version of file 'filename'
2 $ git checkout -- filename
3     # throw away all local changes and switch to branch 'master'
4 $ git checkout -f master

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  • lightweight (creating a branch requires 40 bytes of space)
  • pointers to different commits
  • conveneint ways to separate tasks and features

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why it's hot

  • create a branch to try out an idea, commit a few times, switch back to where you branched from, work there a while, returning to your experiment at your leisure

  • have a branch that only ever contains production code, along with separate development and feature branches

  • delete feature branches when they are merged into the master branch

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starting with branches

get a branch

1 $ git checkout branchname

create a new branch with name branchname

1 $ git checkout -b branchname
2 #or
3 git branch branchname
4 git checkout branchname

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develop asynchronously

*   5a376b1 - Merge branch 'master' of
| * 2f03097 - Adding ref/dynamodb to hidden TOC.
| *   649bad2 - Merging in @rdodev's DynamoDB tutorial and adapting it for Layer2
| |\
| | * d5defb8 - Little changes
| | * 0a5046c - Starting point. We can add more details later on.
| | * a99fb2e - Grammar fix
| | * d5d3edb - Minor redaction edits
| | *   e5a397f - Merge branch 'master' of
| | |\
| | | * 8c19b40 - Fixing code example
| | * | f35a84d - Added subsections

merge branches whenever

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working with branches

push one of your branches up to a remote

1 $ git push origin testfeature:experimental

it's trivial to pull in the remotes of other collaborators

1 # checkout the branch "grill" from rick (a remote) and call it "bacon"
2 $ git checkout --track -b bacon rick/grill
3 # check out the same branch, but just call it grill
4 $ git checkout -t rick/grill
5 # a common one you'll use is this:
6 $ git checkout -t origin/feature

to display all local branches

1 $ git branch
2       master
3     * newgitseminar
4       truncatehtml
5       vanilla_960

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bring it back together

 1 git checkout master
 2 git merge experiment
 3 < resolve conflicts >
 5 Hello
 6 <<<<<<< HEAD
 7 there
 8 =======
 9 experimental
10 >>>>>>> experiment
11 world
13 git commit -m "Merged in my experimental feature"

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  • git-flow: we'll get there in a second
  • github-style: a unique take on git-flow, with continuous integration in mind
  • integration manager: one 'integration manager' is the only person with commit access to a 'blessed' repo
  • dictator + lieutenants: great for massive projects (cough-linuxkernel-cough) where people are given responsibility for a subsystem ('lieutenants') and passes merged changes to the dictator to be finally commited

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my personal favorite, kinda

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git is flexible
mix and match workflows

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Cheat Sheet

 1 # unstage a file
 2 $ git reset HEAD <filename>...
 3 # undo the changes to a file
 4 $ git checkout -- <filename>
 5 # delete a file from your staging area, but not working directory
 6 $ git rm --cached <filename>
 7 # view all unstaged changes
 8 $ git diff
 9 # view all staged changes
10 $ git diff --cached
11 # add a file to your last commit
12 $ git commit -m "A commit"
13 $ git add file_i_forgot.txt
14 $ git commit --ammend
15 # see the last 5 days of activity on the repository, concisely
16 $ git log --since=5.days --oneline

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find a project

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800,000 original projects

1 >> Repository.count(:conditions => 
2     { :parent_id => nil, :public => 1 })
3 => 805411

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be part of a community

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contribute back

  • fork
  • commit
  • push
  • (pull request)

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get the code

 1 $ git clone git://
 2 Cloning into project...
 3 $ cd project/
 4 $ vim README
 5 $ git commit -am 'made it better'
 6 [master dbeb245] made it better
 7  1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 8 $ (fork it on github)
 9 $ git remote add myfork
10 $ git push myfork master:feature_name
11 ...
12 To
13    9457e38..dbeb245  master -> feature_name

improve someone else's repo, in just one minute

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remember that cheap branching?

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cheap contributions

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Ryan Brown

Programmer, Git User

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