
vim kicks some serious buttocks. I don't think there's any editor that gives you such speed and productivity coupled with more control and configuration than any one person needs in their entire liftime. Yeah, you can counter with emacs. I've tried that for awhile, and it just seems too bloated; I just want to edit some C code effectively, not check the weather in Afghanistan at the same time. (Also, the whole notion of having a meta key while hitting <ctrl> and the like is totally inefficient. That's what makes vim so great, you don't have to hit control keys for any actions; your fingers can remain on the home row. Ahh, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it.)

Here's my .vimrc which sets up my vim environment. I turn on syntax highlighting and cindenting which is all of a development environment I need. IDE? I don't need no steenking IDE!

" vim kicks some serious arse, kids

version 5.3

"Let's get color and syntax highlighting to work, shall we?
:if has("terminfo")   
:  set t_Co=8
:  set t_Sf=[3%p1%dm
:  set t_Sb=[4%p1%dm
:  set t_Co=8
:  set t_Sf=[3%dm
:  set t_Sb=[4%dm
set background=dark             "white text on black background
syntax on                       "syntax highlighting for coding

set shm=oa                      "abbrev mesgs and auto hit RETURN on msgs 
set noai                        "auto indent can be evil
set showmode                    "tell me what mode we in    
set shell=/usr/local/bin/bash   "bash shell is keen
set wrapmargin=1                "wrap after 79 chars
set sw=4                        "set shift width to 4
set ts=4                        "set tab stop to 4
set et                          "use spaces for tab key
set undolevels=1000             "I like to be able to undo everything

"set mouse=a                    "me no like visual mouse mode for cut and paste

ab vioff set nocindent noai nosm noet
ab vion set cindent sm ai et 
ab TM  Tom M

"this is for cut-and-paste between windows when using visual mouse mode
vmap ,y :w! ~/.vi_tmp       
nmap ,p :r ~/.vi_tmp

"reformat text when you have wrap margin on and then insert additional text
map ,H 1G:set tw=999999gqG:set tw=0
map ,r {:set tw=999999gq}:set tw=0
map ,a {/.\{60,}gq}k
"map ,a {gq}k
map ,A ^gq}k

map ' `                         "map the hard-to-hit ` to '
map < space>                   "greatest mapping of all time! space pages down
map - ^B                        "the - pages up

map ,s :!ispell % < CR > :e % < CR > "spell check this file 

"these are useful when using the Kernigan & Richie programming style (I usually
" do).  These maps will let you traverse up and down all of the function 
" declarations quickly (it searches for a '{' at the beginning of a line).
map ,f /^\s*{
map ,b ?^\s*{
map ,F /^\s*}
map ,B ?^\s*}

"useful for when doing / searches, and you want to temporarily disable case
map ,I :set noignorecase 
map ,i :set ignorecase 

"you can map stuff to the function keys (F2 and F3 here)
map #2 :set noai nocindent nosm 
map #3 :set ai cindent sm 
map #5 :syntax off 
map #6 :syntax off 

"set this stuff up for coding - otherwise it's off
"for program files, turn on cindent and showmatch
au BufEnter *.h,*.c,*.C,*.cpp,*.java set cindent showmatch
"some abbreviations useful whenever coding
au BufEnter *.h,*.c,*.C,*.cpp,*.java ab FOR for ( i =0; i <  ; i++ ) {
au BufNewFile *.h,*.c,*.C,*.cpp,*.java :r ~/.rcstemplate 
au BufEnter *.java ab Sop System.out.println(
au BufEnter *.java ab Sep System.err.println(
"Makefile needs actual tabs
au BufEnter Makefile,makefile set noet      
"turn abbreviations off when leaving the buffer
"au BufLeave *.h,*.c,*.C,*.cpp,*.java unabbr FOR 
"au BufLeave *.java unabbr FOR 

"some colors for syntax highlighting
hi Comment    ctermfg=cyan 
hi Constant   ctermfg=Magenta 
hi Special    ctermfg=LightRed 
hi Identifier cterm=bold ctermfg=LightGreen
hi Statement  ctermfg=Yellow 
hi PreProc    ctermfg=LightBlue 
hi Type       ctermfg=green
hi ErrorMsg   ctermfg=red

"my vim haiku (by unpopular demand!)
"Silent, powerful,
"Editing files like crazy,
"How I love thee, vim.