HunkaDunk: A Game Engine and Editor


Hunkadunk is a game engine I am writing to allow me to rapid prototype game ideas and hopefully build full games in the future. My main objectives for the engine were allowing for fast development speed and flexibility. The engine has a very abstract idea of what an object is, and can handle many basic operations, including collisions, animation and more. Objects can be tagged, allowing them to be grouped and accessed easily by other objects. In addition, scripts can be applied to objects, allowing of quick coding of game logic.

This is certainly one of the most complicated and interesting projects I have ever taken up. Having to implement different libraries is something I wasn't used to doing, having worked mainly in XNA up to this point, and I enjoyed the exposure to it. I had to implement the physics engine (box2D), graphical library (allegro) and scripting engine (angelscript), all new things for me. This project was also a huge design challenge, and forced me to consider the architecture of the engine early on, and have a solid plan for developing it.


Written in C++ using Allegro, AngelScript, and Box2D.