Bush-bashing is a national pasttime Sun, 06 Jun 2004 23:51:04 EDT

Because, of course, Bush is to blame for everything.

Why this makes me hate people:
What is the topic of this community? It's not about your fucking politics, so unless you can relate it, it doesn't belong.

This asshat has a habit of posting shit like this. He once asked the community if there were any black people amongst its ranks. That's all the post said. Nothing as to why he would want to know. You can probably find it, if you care to read.

If you think Bush is going to be the end of the world, explain to me why, because I'd really like to hear. There are a lot more dangerous people than him out there. Even as president, he doesn't have enough power to do as much damage as you think he can do.

Yeah, I have an obvious slant. So what? Most of the media you believe without a second thought is heavily liberal. Nearly all educational instiutions are heavily liberal.

(As a side note, you may see many references to various 'childfree' groups. I happen to frequent them, because I myself am childfree. Take what you will from that, but most of their politics piss me off.)