proposed interview order: Skater Punk Bathroom conversation French groupie Ex-Wife Conspiracy theory Pharoh Mother Mafia Lawyer Judge/drug problem Diet Wall/retirement Rochester: * Punk: 35 sec * * Bathroom: 30 sec * - NASA: 30 sec (Lead in???) * Pharoh: ~30 * * Diet: 25 sec * * Judge: 55 sec * * retirement: 25 * * credits (30 seconds) * mother: 15 (rights to shoot in cemetery???) * crazy cat: 50 sec - Nature/MA: 20 sec * Linking scene for mafia: 15 * 5:30 Austin: Brick theme song: 30 sec * * Ex Wife: 30 * * French groupie: 20 * * Mason conspiracy: 30 sec dialog but extra footage (10) * 2:00 Boston: * intro (5sec) * * see the don: 10 sec dialog * * photo: 45 sec * * Skateboard: 85 * * Nam: 45 3:15