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  Examples:  E-commerce  |  Backend Development |  Web
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Company: HMW - Administrator Tools

  • ASP: Designed, developed, and implemented administration tools for HMW's Intranet. Allowed HMW to update product data, add specifications, keep track of customer requests, and manage site.
  • Database: Set up Oracle database to access and store product data and customer information.
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Company: Lucid - Administrator Tools

  • ASP: Incorporated set of site administration tools, which consist of image and pdf uploading, formatting text for browsers, edit capabilities, and providing easy updating.
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Company: Digital Doghouse - TimeSheets

  • ASP: Modified online time sheets using ASP. Added options to view hours for individual employees, hours billed to clients, and search for a certain time period.
2003 - 2005 Copyright © Danielle Valliere. All rights reserved